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一大早起床,例行公事般得打开电脑,准备看看有无更新,结果exe无法进入游戏,以为坏了,通过xbox体验中心进入商店,一看说游戏损坏需要重装,按确定后700mb不到的小更新 ,完毕后再次进入游戏,终于等到了1.2.10升级,文字介绍上大大的A320 neo, 1.8G的升级内容,通过20分钟升级,终于迎来了期盼已久,bug不少的大客机。。。晚上继续
Welcome to the 1.2.10 version of the Microsoft Flight Simulator Alpha!
In this update you’ll find a description of the new content we’ve added, bugs we’ve addressed, and an updated list of known issues.
We know many of you have been waiting to fly jets, and today we’re incredibly excited to announce the wait is over!
In close partnership with Airbus, we’re proud to release the Airbus A320 for community testing. This is a key step in our development process as we work together with the community to finalize this aircraft for launch.
Though this is the first version of the plane, we hope you will help test many of the systems we’ve already included. For example:
Fly by Wire system including some of the flight-envelope protection features and new airliner-specific autopilot and auto-throttle functions.
MCDU (flight computer)
FCU (Autopilot control panel) functions implemented.
SID’s and STAR’s
High altitude flight
Long range missions
Land with autobrake and ground spoilers
Newly implemented ground handling features such as jetways, refueling trucks, baggage and catering, pushback and ground power carts.
There are some complex systems in the aircraft that we did not include at this stage in order to ensure focus on the ones that were ready to be tested. You should expect that some indications may be missing or not final, and some displays may show anomalies. Many of the autopilot and auto-throttle functions work but some are still WIP. You will be able to fly ILS and visual approaches, but full approach functionality is not included in this version. Expect updates to the MSDU functionality and audio during our next round of updates.
It has been an incredible experience partnering with Airbus to bring the A320 to the next iteration of Microsoft Flight Simulator. And we are looking forward to working with the community to ensure the very best flight simulation experience across all our aircraft.
Alpha testers, Airbus A320 is cleared for takeoff!
-Microsoft Flight Simulator Team-